最近把目標鎖定在ALTIS1.6J與LANCER EI 1.6陽春型,LANCER是49.9萬送竊盜險、CD、皮椅、鋁圈、隔熱紙、防盜器等,而ALTIS是送30萬24期0利率,再送點隔熱紙及小東西,不過因為有貸款,還要強制保乙式險及竊盜險,LANCER辦到好大概52.5萬,ALTIS大概要接近56萬,請問大家我該如何決定,ALTIS還能再凹個皮椅跟鋁圈嗎?
2002/07/06 22:18:30
建議您考慮FORD Tierra LS 1.6 or Activa 1.6皆可辦30萬零利率,且贈品配件外仍有折扣空間,有興趣請與小弟連絡,
0928325595 程
0928325595 程
I recommanded Ford Tierra LS 1.6 for you. First, I must tell you that I'm not the salesman for Ford.
The type of car is excellent one in Taiwan. The quality is better than Mistubishi Lancer, and the price is not expendsive. May be you could take some time to understand it, I think that you will find that is truth.
The type of car is excellent one in Taiwan. The quality is better than Mistubishi Lancer, and the price is not expendsive. May be you could take some time to understand it, I think that you will find that is truth.