緊急問一下,小弟前陣子把Type-R賣了換台Integra 的LS,馬上遭一個台灣女生嗆,說要拿她的Infinite G20來和我尬尬,是G20不是G20t喔,但是有賭注的,因為金額不小,所以不太敢答應,所以想請問一下,Infinite 的G20和Acura Integra的 LS那一台比較快,還有另一個臺灣人還拿賓士E-430要說和我比比,不曉得0~100我有沒有可能贏呢??要有可能的話我就去殺殺他們囉~~真是的,換台車只是想過個平淡的生活,就遇到江湖仇人.... \ / 請各位幫幫忙,謝謝~~
Integra LS 0-100km/h around 8sec
G20 140 hps heavy!!!
I am pretty sure that G20 is slower than yours!
E-55 0-100km/h 5.0!!???!??!
PS. why did you sell your type R...^^
G20 140 hps heavy!!!
I am pretty sure that G20 is slower than yours!
E-55 0-100km/h 5.0!!???!??!
PS. why did you sell your type R...^^
為什麼賣喔,其實我已看到新款的Type-R的樣子了,在http://www.superhonda.com/上可以看到,聽說在2002年會出,所以我想現在賣掉我這款Type-R等新樣式,再說我19歲而已,加上Type-R的跑車風格,那驚人的保費讓我有點吃不消,所以我還是想有點速度,所以選台長得一樣,但慢很多的Integra LS ^^ 我那台Type-R賣了17000,我覺得還不錯啦~~關於GS20,我也是想那台那麼重的車,但我有的資料是GS20 145hps,Integra LS 140hps,看扭力GS20好像也比較大一點,且找不到0~60要幾秒這類的資料,所以遲遲不敢答應,我也想我兩個布椅可能加起來的重量還沒GS20一個皮椅還有熱屁屁的東東來的重....,但還是希望各位提供一些數據讓小弟安心些~~
上一篇有誤,應該是Infinite的G20,不好意思,還請各位多多提供意見,謝謝囉 ^^
The new Infinite G20 2.0 145hps = Nissan Sentra(200SX) 2.0 145hps
Altima 2.4 155hps= 240SX 2.4 155hps
OH! Man!!! You won't think that your Integra LS is slower than Sentra or Altima, will you?
Man! If you got lost, the other Integra guy would kill you...^0^
Altima 2.4 155hps= 240SX 2.4 155hps
OH! Man!!! You won't think that your Integra LS is slower than Sentra or Altima, will you?
Man! If you got lost, the other Integra guy would kill you...^0^
E-55 0~60mile/h 5sec!!!
I think that the performance of E430 is prtty similar with BMW540 or GS400. If you want to faster than E430, get supercharge in your car...^0^
I think that the performance of E430 is prtty similar with BMW540 or GS400. If you want to faster than E430, get supercharge in your car...^0^
這是我在Yahoo網上察到的,Integra LS 0~60mph 要 7.6秒,top speed 是126mph, Infinite 0~60mph 要10.9秒,top speed 是118mph, E430 0~60mph 要6.7秒,top speed 是130mph,其中Integra是140 hps,Infinite的G20是145hps,而E430有275hps,這些資料看起來不錯,但準嗎???
1.Integra 的LS 絕對快過G20﹐除非駕駛人太肉腳....
2.Integra 的LS 要快過E430﹐不是不可能﹐你只要和他相約到下列地點及時間﹐Integra 的LS贏面比較大
時間 : 下午5點到七點﹐下班時間
地點 : 台北市忠孝東路3﹐4段
2.Integra 的LS 要快過E430﹐不是不可能﹐你只要和他相約到下列地點及時間﹐Integra 的LS贏面比較大
時間 : 下午5點到七點﹐下班時間
地點 : 台北市忠孝東路3﹐4段
喔,我剛剛又去Yahoo上看了一下,發現有點弄錯,E430從0~60須要8.2秒,當然top speed 是很強啦(我在Yahoo上找不到),但我發現亨利大哥所說的Sentra SE 從0~60都只要 8秒,且top speed有124mph,所以這樣說來G20跟本跑不過Sentra囉??雖然Yahoo是很大的網站,但我還是需要各位的心理支持ㄚ~~且想問一下上面的大哥哥,這樣說比起步加速的話Integra是有可能贏E430囉??
Hi IntegeaR:
I didn't said that "Sentra SE 0~60mile/h 8sec"...>_<
Sentra SE 1.6 115hps (not the new one)
Sentra 200SX SE-R 2.0 145hps= G20 145hps
G20 is heavier than Senrta 200SX SE-R. Even they have the same engine, the heavy one gonna slower.
Maybe, your Integra LS can spend 7.6sce in 0~60mile/h, but you have to change the gear perfectly.
Some people said 8.0, 7.8, and 7.6.???
Anyway, good luck!
I didn't said that "Sentra SE 0~60mile/h 8sec"...>_<
Sentra SE 1.6 115hps (not the new one)
Sentra 200SX SE-R 2.0 145hps= G20 145hps
G20 is heavier than Senrta 200SX SE-R. Even they have the same engine, the heavy one gonna slower.
Maybe, your Integra LS can spend 7.6sce in 0~60mile/h, but you have to change the gear perfectly.
Some people said 8.0, 7.8, and 7.6.???
Anyway, good luck!
Nissan put the 2.0 engine in the all new Sentra this year.
So, The new 4doors 2.0 Senta= 2.0 G20= the old one 2doors 2.0 Sentra 200SX SER
PS. 1997 the stock Nissan 240SX 2.4 155hps 0~60mile/h 8.0~8.3sec!!!
So, The new 4doors 2.0 Senta= 2.0 G20= the old one 2doors 2.0 Sentra 200SX SER
PS. 1997 the stock Nissan 240SX 2.4 155hps 0~60mile/h 8.0~8.3sec!!!
喔,我說的Sentra所拿到的資料都是在Yahoo上找到的,所有的0~60 mph所需要的秒數都是從Yahoo來的,我想Yahoo應該是從官方網頁所拿到的吧?但我聽那開E430的說Infinite絕對比我快,因為sky line,小弟對車這就不是很懂了,啥是 sky line?? Infinite有嗎??還有他說跑山路(大概就是上坡吧)G20一定比Integra LS快??真的嗎??是因為cc數大就一定比較有力嗎??那貨車不就是山路殺手了嗎?? 且想請問亨利哥哥,那些0~60的數據來自Yahoo,但那些數據可靠嗎?? 如果真是如此,那0~60的話連Sentra都可以幹掉E430囉??
NISSAN SKYLINE GT-R (譽為東瀛不死戰神)MAX POWER 280ps(日本法規)
0-100km/h 4.4seconds 4WD 6MT
0-100km/h 4.4seconds 4WD 6MT
喔~~原來Sky Line是一台車,哈,真不好意思~~見笑啦~~可是重電是G20是絕對不會贏Integra LS的!!!!哇!!!!,Integra LS有沒有可能贏過E430呢??嗯...我指在加速時~~ 0~100,還有跟據Yahoo上寫的,連Sentra都可以在0~100幹掉E430囉??
I guess not.
E430 0~60mile/h should be under 7.5sec
G20, Sky Line GTR???
I think that the different between these two just like Civic and NSX!!!
I guess not.
E430 0~60mile/h should be under 7.5sec
G20, Sky Line GTR???
I think that the different between these two just like Civic and NSX!!!
From Road&Track
E430 0~60mile/h 6.7sec
2001 Sentra SE 145hps 0~60mile/h 7.9sec
97 200SX 140hps 0~60mile/h 8.5sec
Integra GSR 170hps 0~60mile/h 7.2sec
STS 275hps 0~60mile/h 6.8sec
Z28 320hps 0~60mile/h 5.5sec
E430 0~60mile/h 6.7sec
2001 Sentra SE 145hps 0~60mile/h 7.9sec
97 200SX 140hps 0~60mile/h 8.5sec
Integra GSR 170hps 0~60mile/h 7.2sec
STS 275hps 0~60mile/h 6.8sec
Z28 320hps 0~60mile/h 5.5sec
三陽 喜美 14.2秒
中華 零帥 13.1秒
中華 零帥 13.1秒