

2012/06/25 08:21:56


#4338304 IP 242.34.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章









2012/06/25 09:00:17


#4338385 IP 250.122.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
踢倒凱旋門歐國盃西班牙晉4強 阿隆索大功臣

足球的Xabi Alonso進2球


2012/06/25 09:16:34


#4338441 IP 75.67.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章



2012/06/25 11:58:13


#4339089 IP 250.116.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
回應 hazelatte (畜生阿告還不死) 所寫




2012/06/25 12:50:27


#4339194 IP 20.87.*.* 修改過 1 次 (顯示最近5筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2012/06/25 12:50:27

發文IP 20.87.*.*

[quote=kk6066 (KK)][quote=hazelatte (畜生阿告還不死)]現在賽車的發展的速度已經超越了所有對手....[驚訝][驚訝][驚訝] 大頭症開始出現了??...[害羞][害羞][害羞][/quote] +1......[很悶][/quote]大頭症+2 如果不是Vettel和Grosjean引擎固障加上McLaren的pit crew演出了花14秒換胎的戲碼,Alonso這站連站上頒獎台都很有問題了,而且Alonso之所以能在正賽時超掉排位速度比Ferrari優的一堆車,主要還是因為今年Pirelli輪胎的爛反而讓P11的車手所擁有的多輛套軟台所帶來的速度優勢遠高於排進Q3的優勢,因禍得福罷了(當然,能正確發揮輪胎的優勢是Alonso的厲害),Ferrari居然還好意思說是因為賽車的發展的速度已經超越了所有對手。[嘆氣]

2012/06/25 12:51:11

發文IP 20.87.*.*

[quote=kk6066 (KK)][quote=hazelatte (畜生阿告還不死)]現在賽車的發展的速度已經超越了所有對手....[驚訝][驚訝][驚訝] 大頭症開始出現了??...[害羞][害羞][害羞][/quote] +1......[很悶][/quote]大頭症+2 如果不是Vettel和Grosjean引擎固障加上McLaren的pit crew演出了花14秒換胎的戲碼,Alonso這站連站上頒獎台都很有問題了,而且Alonso之所以能在正賽時超掉排位速度比Ferrari優的一堆車,主要還是因為今年Pirelli輪胎的爛反而讓P11的車手所擁有的多兩套軟胎所帶來的速度優勢遠高於排進Q3的優勢,因禍得福罷了(當然,能正確發揮輪胎的優勢是Alonso的厲害),Ferrari居然還好意思說是因為賽車的發展的速度已經超越了所有對手。[嘆氣]
回應 kk6066 (KK) 所寫
回應 hazelatte (畜生阿告還不死) 所寫



如果不是Vettel和Grosjean引擎固障加上McLaren的pit crew演出了花14秒換胎的戲碼,Alonso這站連站上頒獎台都很有問題了,而且Alonso之所以能在正賽時超掉排位速度比Ferrari優的一堆車,主要還是因為今年Pirelli輪胎的爛反而讓P11的車手所擁有的多兩套軟胎所帶來的速度優勢遠高於排進Q3的優勢,因禍得福罷了(當然,能正確發揮輪胎的優勢是Alonso的厲害),Ferrari居然還好意思說是因為賽車的發展的速度已經超越了所有對手。😌


2012/06/25 13:01:05


#4339222 IP 46.52.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
回應 blhsing (blhsing) 所寫
回應 kk6066 (KK) 所寫
回應 hazelatte (畜生阿告還不死) 所寫



如果不是Vettel和Grosjean引擎固障加上McLaren的pit crew演出了花14秒換胎的戲碼,Alonso這站連站上頒獎台都很有問題了,而且Alonso之所以能在正賽時超掉排位速度比Ferrari優的一堆車,主要還是因為今年Pirelli輪胎的爛反而讓P11的車手所擁有的多兩套軟胎所帶來的速度優勢遠高於排進Q3的優勢,因禍得福罷了(當然,能正確發揮輪胎的優勢是Alonso的厲害),Ferrari居然還好意思說是因為賽車的發展的速度已經超越了所有對手。😌

+3 法拉利的高層常常自我感覺良好😌


2012/06/25 13:12:12


#4339268 IP 196.68.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
Autosport 訪問 Pat Fry 內容

Pat Fry: "While yesterday we were maybe too sure of ourselves in Q2 and not particularly lucky, today we did everything to perfection with Fernando, while Felipe was really incredibly unlucky. The fact that this morning, we could never have expected this win makes it all the more sweet. We profited from the reliability problems of others but that's part of the game and it's a reminder of how important it is to ensure that the cars are sufficiently robust and not just fast. Fernando was fantastic, aggressive when he had to attack in the opening moments and very clever in managing every stage of the race. We must improve our performance because this weekend, the Red Bull showed it had made quite a step forward again and we aren't where we want to be, meaning ahead of everyone. We have more developments coming, but we are perfectly aware that our competitors won't be twiddling their thumbs. Now we can enjoy this fantastic win for an evening, a win which is down to everyone working here at the track and, above all, in Maranello. But then we must get down to work again to be as well prepared as possible for the Silverstone round. We are facing three races in four weeks and we must not relax, not even for a second."


我們必須繼續加強賽車的性能因為這週末紅牛又向前邁開一步而我們還未到達我們所想要的地步 (跑在最前頭) 我們還有更多研發﹐但我們也很清楚對手不會閒閒沒事幹


哪裡大頭了? 實在看不出來

Racing is in my blood!


2012/06/25 13:17:46


#4339288 IP 46.52.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
回應 vivasenna01 (音速貴公子) 所寫
Autosport 訪問 Pat Fry 內容

Pat Fry: "While yesterday we were maybe too sure of ourselves in Q2 and not particularly lucky, today we did everything to perfection with Fernando, while Felipe was really incredibly unlucky. The fact that this morning, we could never have expected this win makes it all the more sweet. We profited from the reliability problems of others but that's part of the game and it's a reminder of how important it is to ensure that the cars are sufficiently robust and not just fast. Fernando was fantastic, aggressive when he had to attack in the opening moments and very clever in managing every stage of the race. We must improve our performance because this weekend, the Red Bull showed it had made quite a step forward again and we aren't where we want to be, meaning ahead of everyone. We have more developments coming, but we are perfectly aware that our competitors won't be twiddling their thumbs. Now we can enjoy this fantastic win for an evening, a win which is down to everyone working here at the track and, above all, in Maranello. But then we must get down to work again to be as well prepared as possible for the Silverstone round. We are facing three races in four weeks and we must not relax, not even for a second."


我們必須繼續加強賽車的性能因為這週末紅牛又向前邁開一步而我們還未到達我們所想要的地步 (跑在最前頭) 我們還有更多研發﹐但我們也很清楚對手不會閒閒沒事幹


哪裡大頭了? 實在看不出來



2012/06/25 13:32:52


#4339352 IP 253.232.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
你想知道一個人內心缺少什麼, 不看別的,就看他炫耀什麼; 你想知道一個人自卑什麼, 不看別的,就看他嫉妒什麼。


2012/06/25 14:02:51


#4339456 IP 229.15.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
歡迎來980料理網訂購美味生鮮料理 網址:www.980.com.tw/


2012/06/25 19:39:25


#4340263 IP 246.167.*.* 修改過 2 次 (顯示最近5筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2012/06/25 19:39:25

發文IP 246.167.*.*

[quote=vivasenna01 (音速貴公子)]Autosport 訪問 Pat Fry 內容 Pat Fry: "While yesterday we were maybe too sure of ourselves in Q2 and not particularly lucky, today we did everything to perfection with Fernando, while Felipe was really incredibly unlucky. The fact that this morning, we could never have expected this win makes it all the more sweet. We profited from the reliability problems of others but that's part of the game and it's a reminder of how important it is to ensure that the cars are sufficiently robust and not just fast. Fernando was fantastic, aggressive when he had to attack in the opening moments and very clever in managing every stage of the race. [color="#FF0000"]We must improve our performance because this weekend, the Red Bull showed it had made quite a step forward again and we aren't where we want to be, meaning ahead of everyone. We have more developments coming, but we are perfectly aware that our competitors won't be twiddling their thumbs.[/color] Now we can enjoy this fantastic win for an evening, a win which is down to everyone working here at the track and, above all, in Maranello. [color="#FF0000"]But then we must get down to work again to be as well prepared as possible for the Silverstone round. We are facing three races in four weeks and we must not relax, not even for a second.[/color]" 紅字部份 我們必須繼續加強賽車的性能因為這週末紅牛又向前邁開一步而我們還未到達我們所想要的地步 (跑在最前頭) 我們還有更多研發﹐但我們也很清楚對手不會閒閒沒事幹 後面一段也是說不能浪費每份每秒﹐四週內有三次比賽 哪裡大頭了? 實在看不出來 [/quote] 坦白講 法拉利 技術總監 飛 是悲觀主義者,說自己最強這種話不太可能。 咖哩講的更明:紅牛賽車是場上最好的。

2012/06/25 19:40:25

發文IP 246.167.*.*

[quote=vivasenna01 (音速貴公子)]Autosport 訪問 Pat Fry 內容 Pat Fry: "While yesterday we were maybe too sure of ourselves in Q2 and not particularly lucky, today we did everything to perfection with Fernando, while Felipe was really incredibly unlucky. The fact that this morning, we could never have expected this win makes it all the more sweet. We profited from the reliability problems of others but that's part of the game and it's a reminder of how important it is to ensure that the cars are sufficiently robust and not just fast. Fernando was fantastic, aggressive when he had to attack in the opening moments and very clever in managing every stage of the race. [color="#FF0000"]We must improve our performance because this weekend, the Red Bull showed it had made quite a step forward again and we aren't where we want to be, meaning ahead of everyone. We have more developments coming, but we are perfectly aware that our competitors won't be twiddling their thumbs.[/color] Now we can enjoy this fantastic win for an evening, a win which is down to everyone working here at the track and, above all, in Maranello. [color="#FF0000"]But then we must get down to work again to be as well prepared as possible for the Silverstone round. We are facing three races in four weeks and we must not relax, not even for a second.[/color]" 紅字部份 我們必須繼續加強賽車的性能因為這週末紅牛又向前邁開一步而我們還未到達我們所想要的地步 (跑在最前頭) 我們還有更多研發﹐但我們也很清楚對手不會閒閒沒事幹 後面一段也是說不能浪費每份每秒﹐四週內有三次比賽 哪裡大頭了? 實在看不出來 [/quote] 坦白講 法拉利 技術總監 飛 是悲觀主義者,說自己最強這種話不太可能。 咖哩講的更明:紅牛賽車是場上最好的。 說法拉利大頭? 有阿!!! 阿龍索的頭是很大沒錯~XD

2012/06/25 19:54:23

發文IP 246.167.*.*

[quote=vivasenna01 (音速貴公子)]Autosport 訪問 Pat Fry 內容 Pat Fry: "While yesterday we were maybe too sure of ourselves in Q2 and not particularly lucky, today we did everything to perfection with Fernando, while Felipe was really incredibly unlucky. The fact that this morning, we could never have expected this win makes it all the more sweet. We profited from the reliability problems of others but that's part of the game and it's a reminder of how important it is to ensure that the cars are sufficiently robust and not just fast. Fernando was fantastic, aggressive when he had to attack in the opening moments and very clever in managing every stage of the race. [color="#FF0000"]We must improve our performance because this weekend, the Red Bull showed it had made quite a step forward again and we aren't where we want to be, meaning ahead of everyone. We have more developments coming, but we are perfectly aware that our competitors won't be twiddling their thumbs.[/color] Now we can enjoy this fantastic win for an evening, a win which is down to everyone working here at the track and, above all, in Maranello. [color="#FF0000"]But then we must get down to work again to be as well prepared as possible for the Silverstone round. We are facing three races in four weeks and we must not relax, not even for a second.[/color]" 紅字部份 我們必須繼續加強賽車的性能因為這週末紅牛又向前邁開一步而我們還未到達我們所想要的地步 (跑在最前頭) 我們還有更多研發﹐但我們也很清楚對手不會閒閒沒事幹 後面一段也是說不能浪費每份每秒﹐四週內有三次比賽 哪裡大頭了? 實在看不出來 [/quote] 坦白講 法拉利 技術總監 飛 是悲觀主義者,說自己最強這種話不太可能。 咖哩講的更明:紅牛賽車是場上最好的。 說法拉利大頭? 有阿!!! 阿龍索的頭是很大沒錯~XD [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Drxe78lluyU[/youtube]
回應 vivasenna01 (音速貴公子) 所寫
Autosport 訪問 Pat Fry 內容

Pat Fry: "While yesterday we were maybe too sure of ourselves in Q2 and not particularly lucky, today we did everything to perfection with Fernando, while Felipe was really incredibly unlucky. The fact that this morning, we could never have expected this win makes it all the more sweet. We profited from the reliability problems of others but that's part of the game and it's a reminder of how important it is to ensure that the cars are sufficiently robust and not just fast. Fernando was fantastic, aggressive when he had to attack in the opening moments and very clever in managing every stage of the race. We must improve our performance because this weekend, the Red Bull showed it had made quite a step forward again and we aren't where we want to be, meaning ahead of everyone. We have more developments coming, but we are perfectly aware that our competitors won't be twiddling their thumbs. Now we can enjoy this fantastic win for an evening, a win which is down to everyone working here at the track and, above all, in Maranello. But then we must get down to work again to be as well prepared as possible for the Silverstone round. We are facing three races in four weeks and we must not relax, not even for a second."


我們必須繼續加強賽車的性能因為這週末紅牛又向前邁開一步而我們還未到達我們所想要的地步 (跑在最前頭) 我們還有更多研發﹐但我們也很清楚對手不會閒閒沒事幹


哪裡大頭了? 實在看不出來

坦白講 法拉利 技術總監 飛 是悲觀主義者,說自己最強這種話不太可能。


說法拉利大頭? 有阿!!!




2012/06/25 20:13:59


#4340332 IP 239.243.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章


2012/06/25 21:41:19


#4340511 IP 240.104.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章




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