The picture, taken today, which Red Bull issued along with its latest statement
Red Bull have issued another statement which the team hopes will ‘draw a line’ under the fall-out from their drivers’ collision on lap 40 of the Turkish Grand Prix.
Mark Webber Said the pair will not allow a repeat of the collision:
It’s a shame for the team, as we lost a good opportunity to win the race. It’s sport and these things can happen, but it shouldn’t have done. I feel for everyone at Red Bull, at the factory and everyone involved. Seb and I will make sure it doesn’t happen again and will continue to work openly together, no problem. We have talked enough on it now, it’s done, we’re looking ahead and I’m focused on the race in Canada next week. Mark Webber
Vettel added he was “sorry” about the collision:
The team had got us into a great position and it wasn’t good for them what happened – so I’m sorry for them that we lost the lead of the race. Mark and I are racers and we were racing. We are professionals and it won’t change how we will work together going forward. We have a great team and the spirit is very strong. I’m looking forward to Canada. Sebastian Vettel
The team may be keen to move on but they can expect plenty of questions about the state of the relationship between their two drivers and what exactly happened in the run-up to the controversial collision when they next face the media at the Canadian Grand Prix weekend.
AUTONET記者:瓢蟲(10/14/2009星期三)<br><br>在剛平息了FERRARI等車隊因為預算限制問題要集體退出F1的事情之後,FIA或許將面臨了另一次的政治力挑戰。<br>上週,FERRARI主席Luca di Montezemolo在接受採訪時表示,<br>由於與F1賽事在很多問題上不統一,FERRARI車隊不排除在行使完此次「協和條約」之後,徹底退出這一賽事。<br><br>F1經過了一段無政治鬥爭的時日後,Luca di Montezemolo在接受採訪時表示FERRARI車隊在F1的未來,現在並沒有明確的答案。<br>「我們與F1組委會簽訂了協和條約,上面規定了時效,所以在2012年之前,我們都會認真履行完合約。<br>所以現在我們還有時間來考慮FERRARI的未來,我們並不急於做什麼決定,<br>但是我們並不排除我們會在合約走完之後選擇退出F1。」<br>
FERRARI主席Luca di Montezemolo認為,Fernando Alonso的個性,將證明他比Kimi Raikkonen更適合FERRARI。 這位西班牙兩屆F1世界冠軍的到來,激發了全球Tifosi的熱情, 印象中只有Michael Schumacher在1996年的加盟,可與Fernando Alonso匹敵。 「這是個性問題,因為Kimi Raikkonen是那種很少外露感情的人,他總是把一切藏在心裡, 這種情況對於車隊內部資訊的溝通交流沒有幫助。」 Luca di Montezemolo如此說到:「但不管怎樣,我要感謝Kimi Raikkonen, 他給我們帶來了一個世界冠軍,這點我們不會忘記。」
Luca di Montezemolo表示,FERRARI需要一個善於團隊合作的人,Fernando Alonso正是符合此一要求的人, 因此對他抱持了極高的期待。「我們需要一個善於團隊合作的人,我認為Fernando Alonso就是這樣的人, 這同時也是根據我們的領隊Stefano Domenicali向我彙報關於他的各類優異方面所做的判斷。 Fernando Alonso是一位偉大的車手、一個具有超凡魅力的個人,我對他寄予了厚望。」Luca di Montezemolo如此表示。
Kimi Raikkonen在剛剛結束的日本站獲得第4名,但他認為FERRARI車隊要保住車隊積分榜第3的位置會非常困難。 Kimi Raikkonen對於比賽成績感到滿意,雖然最終成績位於Lewis Hamilton之後, 並且McLAREN在車隊積分榜上與FERRARI僅有2分之差。
Kimi Raikkonen坦言日本站的比賽很輕鬆,但表示在與Lewis Hamilton的爭奪中賽車缺乏速度。 「今天的賽車並不差,但也缺乏足夠的速度登上頒獎台。」 Kimi Raikkonen說到:「第4名的成績有助於車隊守住車隊積分榜第3的位置,但要在最後兩場比賽繼續保持就有困難了, 但我一定盡我所能。」